Kajal Aggarwal's sister and performing artist Nisha Aggarwal is expecting her first youngster with spouse Karan Valecha. Nisha had her child shower as of late and the excellent pictures from the occasion was shared by the performing artist via web-based networking media. Kajal, her folks and Karan were altogether observed by the soon-to-mother's side.
Kajal Aggarwal is one dazzling magnificence who needn't bother with a presentation among South Indian motion picture sweethearts. Her pretty looks, her effortlessness, and her class have won her numerous fans. With a profession traversing over 10 years, Kajal has featured in a few best netting films including Magadheera, Mr. Immaculate, Thuppakki, and Vivegam among others, making Kajal Aggarwal one of the greatest performing artists of this age. Aside from featuring in blockbuster films, Kajal is likewise known for her special feeling of style. On the event of her birthday here's a glance at a portion of the well known looks of the lovely on-screen character.
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