Kajal Aggarwal shared an image on Instagram that has provoked the enthusiasm of her fans and supporters. In the image, Kajal is seen having frozen yogurt with an obscure individual. The essence of the secret man isn't uncovered. Passing by the inscription of the image, it would appear that the extraordinary individual is commending his birthday with the Mersal performing artist. Kajal additionally called him 'the most top choice' and 'the most stunning' individual. Here's the post: View this post on Instagram Happy birthday my most favourite person ! I hope the coming years bring you growth (much more than you desire) in every aspect of your life, helping you achieve your highest true potential and flooding you with love, joy and fulfilment. Also, I hope we continue to hang out in perfect harmony, our idea of leisure- devouring all those calories sans any worry of weight ! 😁😘 #icecreamloversforev...