Telugu star Kajal Aggarwal, who has been administering the Tamil and Telugu film industry for quite a long while now, has overwhelmed internet based life after she shared a dazzling and hot photograph on her Instagram account. The design diva, who has in excess of 8 million adherents on her Instagram account, shared a sizzling photograph on her Instagram account which has driven her a huge number of fans insane! Telugu star Kajal Aggarwal, who has been administering the Tamil and Telugu film industry for quite a while now, has overwhelmed web based life after she shared a shocking and hot photograph on her Instagram account. The form diva, who has in excess of 8 million supporters on her Instagram account, shared a sizzling photograph on her Instagram account which has driven her a great many fans insane! Wearing an attractive blue shirt with a red botanical print skirt, Kajal Aggarwal looks beguiling as she models for the camera. Kajal Aggarwal is best known for her work...